When major badasses greet each other in movies, they don't say anything, they just nod. The nod means, "I'm a badass, and I recognize that you, too, are a badass'," but they don't say anything because they're Wolverine and Magneto and it would mess up their vibe to explain.
Let's mess up the vibe and explain what makes us badasses...

Jimi Hendrix asked - Are You Experienced?
The answer’s Yes! We’ve been around the block a few times. You should also know that we aren't badass from going to expensive schools and owning eco-friendly vehicles. We are the result of loving what we do, and training for it daily. We’re hackers at the core and our knowledge comes from years of real world experience. We’ve seen and done most everything, and many of us are well known leaders in the technology community. Our work speaks for itself, and you can learn more about that from the people we know.

The future depends on what we do today and our pulse is on the bleeding edge.
Today and every day, we deliver our clients with the highest quality work available. Let the weak among us fool themselves all they want; we know this world is separated into two kinds of people: asses and badasses. And although the former group’s situation could be forgiven if they had no control over their mediocrity, being a badass is a choice that is available to all of us and a way of living for Badass Programmers. To this end, rest assured that we will always be the most informed programmers you know – up to date on the latest trends, innovations, and threats to keep your business secure and at the forefront of technology.

Minds are like parachutes, they work best open.
We don't believe innovative ideas get discovered between the hours of 9 to 5 (in general anyway). Innovation is a way of life for us. Always on the lookout for the next BIG thing, the next GREAT idea and solution that will give our clients the innovative and winning edge – every time. We are training our brain every day, so you can have the competitive advantage.
Client Feedback -
From the horses’ mouth.
We said we’re badass, we said we’ve done this hundreds of times, but since there’s no better way to show off than let the work speak for itself, here are some things our clients say. This is what really matters to us.